Plan In Action

As the New Year has come, it can be a quick reminder of goals not completed from the former year, with a new outlook for putting plans in place for the upcoming year.  

Bo Bennett quotes “A dream becomes a goal when action is taken toward its achievement.”Many of you are good dreamers, and proficient at planning. For others the idea of follow through leaves much to be desired. The difference between the two happens when action is taken toward that achievement.

When it comes to your marriage, there is no time like the present to set some goals for your marriage and family. Achieving common goals as a couple will help you work better together and bring you closer!


Begin to think of 3 areas you want to work at together and write them down. Here are some examples to get you started …

What is your plan to pay off, to save, and to give?

How can you improve your mental state, through counseling or reading a book together, or meeting each other’s needs more
How can you invest in ‘US’ this next year with time away and time together?

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”-Jeremiah 29:11