Preparing for a great future together … takes being intentional! In marriage, money is the number one issue married couples fight about, and it’s the second leading cause of divorce, behind infidelity. Both spouses are coming from different life experiences, and the way they perceive money may be very different. Marriage satisfaction and joy is higher if you don’t see yourself as an individual but rather as a couple, when it comes to money.

If You Can Share A Bed, You Can Share A Bank Account. Sharing your bank account turns the You and Me in to WE.  You’ll start saying …OUR house, OUR income, what are WE going to do with OUR money?. Then you’ll see yourself as a Team, as One, as Unified!

Let’s turn “spending” upside down and focus on SAVING. Spending may be painful and discouraging but saving is encouraging and fun!
The ant works hard during the summer and gathers food when it is available in order to have a supply on hand during winter.


Below are few steps to start …

1. Monitor Your Bank Account

Always know your checking account balance.  Download your bank’s mobile banking app. Understand and avoid paying extra fees. Automate deposits and payments.

2. Minimize Restaurant Spending

Eating out it’s pricier than cooking at home. If you do still want to eat at restaurants, try to reduce the frequency and take advantage of credit cards that reward restaurant spending.

3. Count Your Coins and Bills

Set your change aside each night. After you have a sizable amount, you can deposit it directly into your savings and watch your account grow from there.

4. Save for something to do together

Decide on a savings goal – something that you both want to do that will benefit each of you. For example, a goal to pay down debt, or to save for a vacation, or to buy something.

“The wise have wealth and luxury; but fools spend whatever they get.”-Proverb 21:20