My husband and I grew up in homes where the order of life was spoken and lived out; God first, family second and work third. Biblically speaking, we would say God first, marriage second, children third and work fourth. We tell married couples that the best gift you can give your child is a good marriage. Academia from the family studies research world will say to you and share statistic after statistic that children, communities and individuals are happier, healthier and wealthier if they’re happily married. It’s one of those things we know intuitively. Happy marriages are a good thing! We teach our students in middle and high school success sequencing; finish your education, get a job, get married and then have children. Another thing we intuitively know is that divorce is awful; it’s painful no matter the circumstances or reason. I’ve never met a couple that’s excited about getting a divorce…NEVER! Everyone, at a minimum, has a sense of sadness and failure.
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Lisa May is the Executive Director of South Florida for Relate Well Live Well. Relate Well Live Well exists to strengthen marriages and families through healthy relationship education beginning in middle school through senior adults. For information visit