Cohabitation Versus Marriage

Last month we explored the trend of Christian couples living together from a faith perspective. We know what Jesus says about premarital sex…. it’s a big no; it’s a sin.The assumption is if you’re living together, you’re having sex. Let’s explore what the secular, academic communities research reveals versus what we choose or want to…

Stop, Look And Listen = You Matter

Whether you’re talking to a child, a coworker or the love of your life, when we stop, look and listen to them, we’re giving them our full attention, which says YOU MATTER! All three actions are keys to having meaningful, connected conversations which in turn leads to significant, connected relationships. Read full article here. Have…

Do You Treat Your Marriage Like Your Business?

My husband and I grew up in homes where the order of life was spoken and lived out; God first, family second and work third. Biblically speaking, we would say God first, marriage second, children third and work fourth. We tell married couples that the best gift you can give your child is a good…

Take Out the Trash

One of our most provocative communication tools is Taking Out the Trash. I’ve hesitated to share it in this format because it is also one of the most emotional tools. The Dialogue Guide was designed to facilitate disagreement. It comes with relational intensity, but it doesn’t necessarily generate the same level of emotional depth that…

Does Loving Myself Have Any Bearing On Loving Others?

“Teacher, which commandment is the greatest in the Law?“ Jesus declared, ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself. All the Law and the Prophets hang on…

Give the Gift of Love

My eyes still well up in tears every Christmas as I watch the end of the Christmas classic, “It’s a Wonderful Life.” George Bailey has just realized how precious life is, what a beautiful family he has, and then the bank president and local police come to arrest him. That’s when the magic happens! George’s…

The Inconvenient Truth

I have the privilege of working with couples during the worst and best of times. The spectrum is broad; the worst is when they come because their marriage is deeply troubled and the best is when they are preparing for wedded bliss, full of hope and wonder.Most recently, I met with a couple considering marriage….

The Tale of Two Families

I was recently blessed to share the mission and history of Live the Life South Florida with a group of people outside of Florida. A wise man approached me afterward and said, “Good job, but remember, you tell them, and then you tell them again.” I laughed and thought, how very true. Studies suggest that…

What Do We Do Now?

As you know, we find ourselves at a time and place that is unprecedented in our generation. Floridians have grown accustomed to the frenzy of the grocery in preparation of a hurricane, but the Coronavirus isa different, more trying challenge. Storms are over quickly, and we can move on with our lives. Both impacts us…

Fingerprints Versus Soul Prints

Our fingerprints leave impressions made by the minute ridge formations or patterns found on the finger. To date, no two people have been found to have the same arrangement of patterns, even twins. Even as we shed skin, the ridge formations are identical and remain unchanged throughout our life. Investigations have relied heavily on the thumbprint for someone’s identity, but with advanced technology, we can learn much more about someone than just a matched print. Mass Spectrometry is able to not only provide an image but it can also identify the weight of molecules and whose molecules they are. The molecular information is so precise that it will reveal your lifestyle, your actions, your routines and your health. They are our silent storytellers with just a touch.