The Good News Is Still The Good News

I recently spoke with a counselor about the pressure the pandemic has brought to bear; his practice has ministered to more than 30,000 people since COVID.

2022: Resolve to Obey

Last year I closed out the year with an ar ticle on resolving to forgive in 2021. I’d be curi ous how we did with the resolution to forgive. For me, I continued to wrestle with hurt from someone that I said would never, ever betray me. It’s been a hurt that continued for several years, but God reminds me of what Jesus said as He was being crucified: “Forgive them, for they know not what they do.”

What’s Your EQ?

We all know that IQ measures intelligence, but are you aware of EQ? EQ is our emotional intelligence. In the best-selling book, Emotional Intelligence, Daniel Goleman documented the research indicating that IQ intelligence only accounts for about 20 percent of a person’s success in life. So what accounts for the other 80%? Researchers believe a…

Trust Builds Love

For months we’ve had rioting in the streets, elections at the highest level in our nation inundated with accusations of fraud, churches fractured over leadership decisions, a news media that’s increasingly biased by personal opinion, a pandemic that’s gripped the world, and a tragic suicide bombing on Christmas morning.  Fear and lack of trust are…

What Stands In The Way Becomes The Way

I like you, open my email daily and find worthy writers’ devotionals and musings. I often click “delete” for lack of time. I remind myself that I should read my Bible first, then if I have time, read the pondering of others. This week I came across famous quotes and stumbled upon a quote by…

Life’s Ledgers: What’s Your Balance?

Our core expectations for close relationships are affected by all of our previous close relationships, whether with parents, siblings, former spouses, lovers or friends. At certain periods in our life significant people, or even life itself through specific events that affected us, ran up a series of debits or credits in terms of what you…

Maintain And RECL(AIM) Your Relationships

The Christmas season is over, and the challenge of mastering our New Year Resolutions is upon us. Every year I take some time to reflect on the previous year; my accomplishments, failures, and all that I have to be thankful for. Then I begin my list of aspirations for the coming year.What do I want…

Pause or Pursue

It’s Fall! A glorious season full of family, celebrations and romance! Hannah Felding, a romance novelist, recently sent out a survey polling the readers’ choice for the most romantic season of the year. Fall came in at 43 percent, followed by Spring at 31 percent. Of all the brides surveyed, a whopping 28 percent got…

Back to the Present

Back in Time Family, the stuff we’re made of. Where do we come from? Where do you feel most at home? “The Hillbilly Elegy” is the top 10 movie on Netflix.  It’s a story of a Yale law student that receives an urgent phone call that pulls him back to his Ohio hometown, where he…